Monday, April 19, 2010

Corruption in Greece

Go see this excellent Wall Street Journal article detailing the impact of corruption and bribery on the financial meltdown in Greece. If the author has it right, bribes and expensive political favors are the norm rather than the exception in Greece.

He cites a Brookings study which finds Greece the most corrupt nation in Europe, more corrupt than even Italy, Portugal or Spain, which is saying something. My favorite line in the article is a quote from Professor Stavros Katsios of Ionian University:
The core of the problem is that we don't have a culture of civic society. In Greece, complying with the rules is a matter of dishonor. They call you stupid if you follow the rules.
I also like this quote from Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, reflecting on the fact that one-quarter of all Greek taxes owed aren't paid:
If politicians are corrupt, if there is corruption, why should I pay my taxes? I don't know where my money is going.
Greece sounds like a third world country which should never have been admitted into the European Union.