Sunday, April 18, 2010

O's Missing Girlfriends

I'm embarrassed for not having thought of it, until I read this article in American Thinker. Like him or not, our President is charismatic much as Tiger Woods is. Isn't it likely that at least a few publicity-seeking women would have come forward to tell the stories of their romantic encounters with Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro or whatever name he was then using?

Can he possibly have gone through several years of undergraduate college without making some special women friends? Unlikely. At the very least the National Inquirer would have found their stories worth space and ink as it did for the story of John Edwards' girlfriend Rielle Hunter.

I am reminded of Sherlock Holmes' observation that the important fact was that the dog didn't bark. In this case, the important detail may be that no one has come forward to claim to have been Obama's college lover, or summer fling, or whatever. I don't know what this datum means, but it likely means something important.