Monday, April 19, 2010

Culture of (In)Dependence

Michael Barone writes a very insightful column about the culture of dependence and those who cater to it. Appearing in RealClearPolitics, he explains why the Democrats got strong support from those making less than $50,000 and more than $200,000, but much less support from those in between.

Barone's point: below 50K you are dependent on government handouts and above 200K you see yourself as a member of that mandarin class who should run society because you, and those like you, know best. He notes:
The in-between people on the income and education ladders, it turns out, are a constituency for the culture of independence.
We see part of this play out in our home state of Wyoming. Jackson has become a resort like Aspen or Vail in Colorado. The billionaires are buying out the millionaires; Jackson airport looks like a sales lot for corporate jets.

Jackson is county seat of the only county in Wyoming that reliably votes Democratic in presidential elections: Teton County. It is hands down the richest county in the state. Its residents include many high-level decision-makers.

Nota bene: the other DrC and I don't live in Teton County.