Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting It

Liz Sidoti has written many left-leaning pieces for the Associated Press, pieces that appeared in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, etc. So you can imagine I was surprised to see this Liz Sidoti piece in the conservative Washington Examiner, an article that pretty much shoots straight down the middle or even leans slightly to the right.

She is reporting the results of a poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, a poll which finds only 22% of respondents feel they can trust the federal government always or most of the time. In other words, close to 80% of us don't trust the federal government.

Then it appears she went to a Tea Party rally, interviewed some attendees and discovered that a substantial minority are not Republicans. Guess what? There are fiscally conservative Democrats and Independents, too. Interestingly, she did not identify the rally as a Tea Party rally, I wonder what that is about?

Sidoti takes the view that this much distrust of government is not good for the country and you may be surprised to find I agree. She and I might disagree about the source of the distrust, the cause if you will. She finishes with a quote from a pol whose view is that both parties are at fault, a view with which I find little fault.

Has she had an epiphany, a sudden insight that our President does not represent the second coming? Or is it more likely that she "gets" the futility of writing politics only for the 22% who agree with her? We don't know, but I'd bet on the latter.