Saturday, May 2, 2015

The New Century

Richard Fernandez writes the Belmont Club blog at PJ Media. Today his topic is the mixed bag that is the 21st century. Citing examples both inspiring and saddening, he writes:
It seems as Dickens put it, “the worst of times and the best of times”.  A time of divergence.  A moment when people are going backward while some are looking forward. The reason that both aspects often appear together is suggestive. Creation is destructive.

The weak and vulnerable have a hard time of it in times of radical upheaval. On the other hand there’s a price for stability.

The good news is the future will be more wonderful than we can imagine. The bad news is that much of what people — including the Democrats — know and love will be destroyed along the way to get there. Aside from being wonderful, the future may simultaneously be more dreadful than we can stand.
Fernandez is no Pollyanna. Hat tip to for the link.