Saturday, March 30, 2019

An Old Argument, Revisited

Power Line links to a Quillette article which debunks a recently honored book claiming apparent sex differences in brain structure and function are illusory. It is a reasonable article and worth reading if the topic interests you.

It is not PC to admit there are likely to be differences in the male and female brains.  On the other hand, from an evolutionary point of view it is more reasonable to assume a priori that such exist in a complementary way which improves the survivability of our species.

Historically male and female humans have lived together, instead of separately as for example bears do. Having gender specialization has been pro-survival for our species.

None of this argues in any way that one sex should have different legal rights than the other, or be treated in any way as inferior or unserious. That question has long since been decided in our society, and it is certainly not my intent to reopen the discussion.

On the other hand, treating people equally doesn't require they be identical in all respects, and simple observation assures us they are not.