Sunday, March 10, 2019

Attitude and Gratitude

I don't often run across what I call a "must read" article to share with you, one shows up this morning. Scott Jennings writes in the Los Angeles Times, echoed at, about President Trump's strengths.

The headline writer shorthands those strengths as "attitude and gratitude."  Hat tip to RealClearPolitics for the link.
Enter Donald Trump, the only Republican candidate who understood the actual consumer demands of the Republican marketplace: Be strong enough, bold enough, crazy enough and ruthless enough to beat the elitist media and Hillary Clinton, who is slipperier and meaner than a wet panther.

It isn’t policy that drives Trump’s staying power. After all, doing basic Republican stuff is what he is supposed to do. No, the secret sauce is Trump’s continued deliverance of an attitude for which Republicans thirsted for years.
Trump beating up on the "fake news" legacy media and giving people demeaning nicknames is all part of the package. The other DrC describes him as "our bully" beating up on the smug establishment types, Jennings says much the same.
We didn’t hire a barbarian to sing soprano in the choir; we hired him to beat back the savages.
Do yourself a favor, go read the whole column.