Saturday, March 9, 2019

Poll: America Haters in Congress

As one of the contributors to Instapundit is fond of noting, all Democrats have to do to win is not act crazy. Luckily for Trump and the GOP, Dems can't (or won't) fake sanity. reports the findings of a Rasmussen Reports poll of American voters.
In its national survey of 1,000 likely voters, conducted March 5-6, Rasmussen asked:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement – "Right now we have people in Congress that hate our country"?
While slightly more than half of likely voters agreed with the statement, only about a third disagreed that some members of Congress hate America:
Agree: 51%
Disagree: 34%
Undecided: 14%
Barack Obama let his dislike of America show every time he talked to foreigners. Trump voters were both listening and offended.

How many of those who agreed share the sentiment, in your opinion? Very few, in my judgment. That could be Trump's winning margin on display, 20 months before the election.