Friday, March 22, 2019

Another Friday Document Dump

Robert Mueller has delivered his final report to Attorney General William Barr, and presumably his special counsel investigation has concluded. Why do these things always come out on Friday, is Mueller embarrassed at how little he found?

While many have called for the release of the entire, unredacted document, including I believe the President, it isn't clear that will happen. Power Line's Paul Mirengoff writes:
Fox News reports that Mueller has not recommended any new indictments. Thus, President Trump will not be indicted based on the Mueller report. What we don’t know is why.

I get the impression that Barr is going to play Mueller’s report “by the book,” disclosing only as much as Justice Department rules and protocol call for.
If Barr holds Mueller's report close to his chest and discloses little, conspiracy theories will continue to spin. That isn't useful for anybody.

We need a new special counsel to examine the Clinton server debacle, her campaign's financial support of the shady people who created the "fake news" dossier (Glenn Simpson and Fusion/GPS), and politically biased actions by the upper reaches of the Obama-era DOJ and FBI. Indictable offenses occurred.