Friday, March 15, 2019

Glass Half Full

Paul Brandus, who doesn’t like President Trump even a little, has written an opinion piece for USA Today suggesting Trump will be reelected next year. Some key excerpts:
If you were running for president, which dynamic would you rather have:

1. The power of the incumbency, a good economy, low unemployment, rising wages and rock-solid support and unity within your political party?


2. Division, infighting and an identity crisis within your party and the task of explaining to voters that, despite that good economy, they’re worse off than they were four years ago?

The first situation describes President Donald Trump as he gears up for 2020. The second describes what we’ve seen thus far of Democrats as they try to take him down.

Trump hasn’t expanded his base, but what he has is solidly behind him. Meanwhile, fractures within the Democratic Party are widening.
Analysis: True ... but don’t get cocky.