Friday, March 29, 2019

Fish Unaware of Water

Susan Glasser writes in New Yorker an article entitled "Our President of the Perpetual Grievance" which I can't be bothered to read. If anybody has ever been picked on, he has and most of his grievances are reactions to ceaseless nagging.

However, the title triggered something for me I'd like to share with you. Donald John Trump is a New York City kid who grew up and basically never left NYC until he won the presidency.

Be honest, doesn't "perpetual grievance" describe many, perhaps most, of the native New Yorkers you've known? That's been my experience, even with those I've had as coworkers and liked. It's the "chip on the shoulder to survive" attitude that really never goes away.

The Noo Yawk "Are you lookin' at me?" snarl is rarely heard in more polite parts of this great land. It could get a person shot in Wyoming or Tennessee, for example.

Isn't it ironic a publication named New Yorker is so lacking in self awareness that they'd not recognize how odd it is to pick on DJT for exhibiting a trait widely shared by residents of the great city of that name? Hat tip to RealClearPolitics for the link.