Friday, March 22, 2019

Hurricanes in FL? Who knew?

I get cranky when I read an article whose author claims to have discovered something I've known for years, or even decades. Let me share one such from's Money section, it reports there are people leaving Florida and treats this as a man-bites-dog story.

It begins with what we all know - Florida is a major destination for retirees. FL has warm weather, no state income tax, two major cruise ship ports and lots of beaches. The supposedly counterintuitive part of the story is that people also move out of FL.

The author believes this is because of recent unpleasant weather events and the increased insurance premiums resulting therefrom. And he quotes anecdotal evidence from several people he talked to who are moving out because - no kidding - FL has hurricanes. 

Undoubtedly, a much greater cause of people moving out is continued aging. Having lived just down the hill from a CA retirement town for much of the last 40+ years, I'm familiar with the patterns of such places. 

People move from employment communities to retirement communities as youngish, relatively healthy and active retirees. They move away when the infirmities of age begin to creep up and they require more help. 

When no longer active, they go live near their children. It is the reason there are always plenty of "For Sale" signs in retirement communities. Many only live there for a few years, others last longer and some few die there; although less than formerly when heart attacks took many men in their 50s and early 60s. 

So yes, people do leave FL as well as move there. Most who do are, if we're honest, "waiting for God" although no one wants to say so. For today's somewhat affluent, it is part of the concluding trajectory of a long life.