Sunday, March 31, 2019

Retroactive Abortion links to a College Reform article reporting students at Hofstra University want the statue of President Thomas Jefferson removed from campus. Their allegation, it represents "a legacy of racism and bigotry on college campuses."

No question, Jefferson was a slave-owner, so was Washington and very likely most of the rest of the so-called "founding fathers" of this nation. If you follow this chain of guilt-by-association reasoning to its ultimate conclusion, the very Constitution and in fact our federal republic would have to be jettisoned as well.

These men created it and they are, in some eyes, irredeemably stained by their association with 'the peculiar institution.' It logically follows that anything our founders created was also contaminated.

Except ... simple observation shows this is not true. Less-than-perfect individuals (as who is not) created a rather wonderful governmental structure that has evolved and grown as changing circumstances have demanded.

Honor Jefferson for the good he did, not for the wrongs with which he was associated. Ditto for all of the founders, and for the rest of us.