Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Real Motive

The scientific journal Nature reports scientists are worried about President Trump’s demand that universities protect free speech as a condition of continued federal funding of various research grants and programs. I get it, even if the author doesn’t.

The concern, among scientists who rely on federal grant monies for continued employment, is that leftism is so entrenched in their institutions their employer will defy the order to permit despised center and right-wing opinion on campus and the grant monies will dry up. Horrors! Unemployment looms! Careers in peril!

Actually, it isn’t an entirely empty threat. Higher ed administrators are between the proverbial rock and hard place. The rock is federal demands for more minority enrollments and graduates, the hard place is requiring the toleration of conservative views some minority students find less-than-welcoming. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.