Thursday, October 28, 2021

Eleventh Hour Progress Report

I write this Thursday afternoon and the new house is supposed to be complete Monday morning early. Much of the house is complete, clean and beautiful this afternoon, but we still do not have kitchen appliances and a range hood. 

I presume the builders’ minions don’t work weekends so they have the balance of today and tomorrow to get things into “deliverable” shape as of Monday morning. We hear they sometimes “borrow” appliances from the models to temporarily equip otherwise complete homes until the new appliances arrive and can be installed.

The other DrC observes that a house with no appliances would have been livable in the early 1800s, but is not now. We have furniture deliveries scheduled in the next two weeks so a delay at this juncture will be extremely inconvenient, to say the least. 

Getting this house is a process we initiated over eleven months ago. As the monkey said of his tail when he backed into the lawnmower, “It won’t be long now.”