Saturday, October 2, 2021

Homeschooling Grows

Writing at American Thinker, Steven Whitson describes what the 2020 Census and subsequent surveys have found concerning the prevalence of homeschooling. Hat tip to for the link. Some key quotes:

In October 2020, 11.1% of 22–23 million U.S. households reported being full-time homeschoolers, without any enrollment in a public or private school. Besides Alaska, which reported 27.5% of households dedicated to full-time homeschool, Oklahoma led all states at 20.1%. Other notable states included Florida at 18.1%, Vermont at 16.9%, Georgia at 16.0%, and Tennessee and Arizona at 13.0%.

What has been surprising is that many of these students did not re-enroll for the 2021–2022 school year.(snip)The number of homeschool kids grew from 11.1% in 2020 to 16.5% in May 2021.

All colleges and universities, including the Ivy League, accept homeschooled students and homeschooled students have traditionally performed better in college than public- and private-school students.

The public schools did a reasonable job when I was a kid too many years ago. In recent decades they have gotten a very bad reputation, sadly much of it deserved. I predict the trend to parents utilizing other-than-public education will continue and perhaps accelerate.