Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Trump Ego

I understand Donald Trump doesn’t like the results of the 2020 election, that it was hinkey in a number of ways, and in a number of places. Probably the oddest thing was that Trump got more votes than any presidential candidate in U.S. history and yet Biden, without campaigning, supposedly got even more.

Forget rehashing that outcome, it is fait accompli: Biden is president and there was and is little appetite for arguing about it. If Trump can’t get past that speed bump and focus on the future, he will be a deadweight to the Republican Party. 

As of this writing, it appears he can’t let go of the last election, and is likely to be a problem going forward. That is sad inasmuch as he was a good president, who took the country in good directions. 

His ego, his sense that he was wronged and it must be made right or else, has become a problem for the Republican Party, not so much in 2022 but more so in 2024. I hope, for his sake and ours, that he can move on and focus on the future.

If there are people he will listen to, and accept advice from, they need to be telling him to let 2020 go, at least in his public utterances.