Monday, October 4, 2021

Good Interview, Misleading Title

Emma Green interviews Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams concerning that conservative group’s goals and aims. She lets him tell Claremont’s story honestly while asking some probing - not entirely friendly - questions.

I’d like to think Green didn’t write the title The Atlantic gave the interview, “The Conservatives Dreading - And Preparing for - Civil War.” I read the article looking for the content the title implies and never found it.

I found a sense that the nation is seriously divided about its proper path, and a strong hope that a robust federalism will permit different state choices within it. You can infer a resignation that - if federalism fails to accommodate our differences - a separation into red and blue nations might peacefully eventuate. 

Nowhere do I see any expression by Williams of interest in, or preparation for - “civil war.” We’ve been down that road, in the 1860s, and I hope we learned our lesson.

I conclude the Claremont Institute is the intellectual incubator of modern conservatism, ironically housed in one of the bluest states - CA. I hypothesize the title reflects modern progressivism’s Karen-like unwillingness to allow conservatives to go their own way in their own spaces.