Friday, July 22, 2022

A Prediction and A Problem

Writing for the Jewish World Review, long-time political analyst Michael Barone asks and answers the question “How inevitable is a third consecutive nomination of Donald Trump?” You’ll find his answer interesting:

Can Ron DeSantis win a one-on-one race against Donald Trump? Current polling tells me the answer is, sure he could.

Unfortunately, Barone doesn’t deal with the prediction, made elsewhere, that if Trump failed to secure a nomination which he sought, he would torpedo the candidacy of whoever did win the nomination. Not for Trump the famous Reagan Eleventh Commandment - “speak ill of no Republican.” 

He would deliver himself of a stream of his well-known name-calling put-downs and second guessing. The legacy media would be only too happy to publicize these attacks. 

Even many of his friends and supporters will allow that Trump’s primary loyalty is to himself, not to the GOP. Hat tip to Power Line for the link.