Thursday, July 14, 2022

Dobbs May Not Be the Trigger

On Monday I wrote that we might see what I called "cultural migrants" moving from red to blue states in order that they might achieve legal protection for what I called their "personal proclivities." I remain convinced that could at some point happen.

However, today comes an article in The Atlantic, echoed at, which argues that the Dobbs decision alone probably won't trigger such moves. Some of the key points made:

How heavily will American liberals weigh a possible future need against quality of life in the here and now? On the whole, left-leaning states have higher costs of living than right-leaning ones.

Although abortion is a common medical procedure, most women will never have one. But all women will need to keep up with the cost of living for wherever they choose to live.

On the other hand, if the new SCOTUS conservative super-majority picks up Justice Thomas' challenge to overturn other "protections" the Warren and Burger courts perceived as implied by the Constitution, you could still see some cultural migration occur.