Monday, July 11, 2022

The Big Sort, 2.0?

The recent Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court, overturning Roe v. Wade, is likely to accelerate the internal migration of Americans. Heretofore, much of the migration to low tax red states has been driven by economics. Both individuals and companies tend to prefer a lower tax burden, let's call them "economic migrants."

I wonder if Dobbs and perhaps future SCOTUS actions overturning certain of the more imaginative interpretations by the Warren and Burger courts might cause migration in the other direction, to blue states? These people we might call "cultural migrants." Those would be seeking state legal protections for their personal proclivities which red states might choose not to protect, or even to outlaw.

Assuming an increased degree of federalism, we could end up with two quite different Americas, as people continue to sort themselves out. As noted earlier, the times we live in are interesting.