Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Gallup: These Gloomy Times

For several days I've seen reports of a new Gallup survey of public confidence in various public "institutions." I've held off commenting as those write-ups were opaque and hard to decipher. 

Now Steven Hayward of Power Line has a clear, easy to grasp presentation of the findings, which he posts before going overseas for a vacation lasting several weeks (a major advantage of academia I remember with fondness). If the chart is too small, go to Hayward's column where it is clear:

In literally no institution did the confidence level increase. Confidence dropped in 15 of 16 institutions surveyed, the exception was organized labor which hasn't been much in the news in the past year. 

Big losers were "the presidency" and "the U.S. Supreme Court." Most others lost about 5%. These aren't optimistic times; other surveys show high percentages believe our nation is on the "wrong track."