Monday, July 18, 2022

The Local Race, a Deep Dive

The Washington Examiner's chief political correspondent Byron York does a whole column on the Liz Cheney campaign to retain the Republican nomination for Wyoming's only Congressional seat. York cites a Casper Star Tribune poll which finds Cheney's main competitor - Harriet Hageman - ahead 52% to Cheney's 30%. Why? A bit of history is in order:

Cheney's family roots in Wyoming go back generations. But, as CNN noted in 2013, Cheney herself "was born in Wisconsin and grew up in Virginia's DC suburbs before attending college in Colorado and law school in Illinois ... She spent most of her career working in the nation's capital before moving to Wyoming last year."

As York notes, Wyoming Republicans weren't amused when she tried to unseat our Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY). Cheney looked like a carpetbagger then and our people let her know it. 

Now as she collaborates with Nancy Pelosi she acts like a carpetbagger. We are not amused, it is clear with whom her sympathies lie.

It appears that yes, Liz Cheney is toast. But just remember, when news coverage of her race focuses on Trump, Trump, Trump, Cheney's problems in Wyoming started well before Donald Trump became a serious political force. Recent events have just brought those long-standing problems back to the fore.

Our primary occurs on August 16, so we'll know her WY fate soon.