Sunday, July 31, 2022

Homicidal Maniacs

The New York Post has an excellent article about so-called "civil liberties" groups opposing forced medication of violent mentally ill individuals who are allowed to roam at will. Such individuals, acting out their delusions, kill or maim innocent bystanders with some frequency. Examples from NYC are given.

As regular readers know, we believe our society's failure to care for, and warehouse, the delusional mentally ill is a major policy failure. And it's a failure whose fault lies with both left and right.

The left doesn't want to "interfere" with the freedom of people to be "as zany as they choose to be." The right doesn't want to spend the enormous sums necessary to get the delusional into inpatient treatment. 

Neither side seems capable of imagining some middle ground where, for such broken individuals, a condition of limited liberty is predicated on non-optional, supervised-and-scheduled medication dosing. The alternative for those who will not or cannot comply: a long-term loss of personal freedom.

Our safety requires nothing less.