Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Hinderaker on Teacher Unions

Power Line's John Hinderaker blames teacher unions for many of the difficulties our young people are having post-pandemic. See what he writes:

The public is finally beginning to realize that teachers’ unions, far from being advocates for our children, are their worst enemies. The teachers’ unions should be publicly shamed, teachers should drop out of them, and voters should select school board candidates who pledge to oppose the teachers’ unions, not to slavishly follow their orders, as has usually been the case in many states.

Not just at the K-12 level either, those in higher education are nearly as bad. As a Management professor I refused to join the union representing faculty, and was required to pay an in-lieu "representation fee." 

From this I believe they took funds to donate to the campaigns of Democrats whom I did not support. Bitter much? Believe it.