Saturday, November 12, 2022

College Major Matters

CNBC reports the findings of a recent study done by ZipRecruiter which surveyed 1500 job seekers. The study looked at college majors and identified the ten most regretted majors and the ten least regretted majors.

I'm a retired Business School prof so I was interested to see if any of our specialties were included on either list. In the years I taught our majors tended to get jobs without much difficulty, recruiters came to campus looking for Bus. majors.

I expected to find Bus. specialties on the least regretted list, I was surprised to find certain of our specialties on both lists. On the most-regretted list I found "Marketing management + research" listed as one of the ten.

"Business administration + management," "Finance," and "Human resources management" were three of the ten least regretted. The least regretted major was "Computer + information science."

Of graduates who regretted their major, most said that, if they could go back, they would now choose computer science or business administration instead.

The firm's chief economist said the following of current job seekers.

Pay is still most important, but job security is now becoming more important. That happens whenever we have the fear of a recession.