Friday, November 4, 2022

Only Capital D Democracy Is Endangered

When Joe Biden and his allies talk about a Republican wave in the election next week being a threat to democracy, it is important to understand what they do and do not mean. In their minds “democracy” is simply a synonym for Democratic Party rule, full stop. 

If the polls are to be believed, it appears that Democratic Party rule is endangered. In two short years the Democrats have damaged a healthy economy, a functioning criminal justice and immigration system, and a substantial international position, we hope not irreparably.

Be clear, small d democracy is in no particular danger. Next Tuesday the electorate will do what electorates are supposed to do, which is punish political actors who turn in lousy performances. That is small d democracy in action. 

You screw up, you lose your mandate, and retire to the opposition. Like a losing sports team, political losers go through a “rebuilding” process aimed at winning at some point in the future, perhaps aided by the incumbents screwing up their mandate.

Expect the Democrats, in spite of their protestations to the contrary, to behave a month from now exactly as though small d democracy is alive and well. They will strive to make it work for them, "next time."


Sir Winston Churchill in 1947, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried."