Friday, November 11, 2022

Drama Queen Don

You may have read somewhere that former President Trump issued an extremely ungracious email basically dumping on Gov. Ron DeSantis. I just read it and the reality is worse than the descriptions, you can read it here.

At the moment, Ron DeSantis is the only clear (no asterisks required) super-winner of the 2022 midterms. How big a winner? See these numbers to understand how much DeSantis kicked butt, his victory is impressive as heck.

So what does an orange guy who couldn’t engineer a similar outcome two years ago do? He rains on DeSantis’ parade, calls him “average.” I call “sour grapes” on Trump.

Damn, don’t I wish the average GOP governor candidate had done as well as DeSantis did? No such luck, in spite of the fact that several did very decent jobs and were clear winners.

In elections, there are always losers as well as winners. Unfortunately, since Trump lost he has been acting like a drama queen on steroids, and it is totally past time he put a cork in it. Histrionics “worked” in the WWE, but doesn’t work in politics.

Trump took the Republican Party in a new direction and we owe him thanks for doing so. Furthermore, it’s not going back and that’s even better. But if Trump can’t get over losing in 2020 he needs to get off the stage and let people who know how the game is won, starting with DeSantis, have the spotlight.

Later ... Now Trump is dissing VA Gov. Youngkin, another winner against the odds. Trump can really show crapola judgment. There's a world of lowlife Democrats out there and he's picking on winning Republicans? 

In the last two years, Trump has "transformed" from a cartoonish "my bully" into a "loose deck gun" who needs to careen over the side and sink from view.