Monday, November 14, 2022

The Trump Problem

Kurt Schlichter obviously enjoys writing scathingly nasty things about Democrats, because he has talent in that direction. And I enjoy reading him, though I don't often quote him. I figure you know he's there and you read him if he floats your boat.

Today he writes seriously about the "Trump Problem" our GOP faces, and about why we have to get serious about dealing with it sooner rather than later. This isn't' his usual line of creatively nasty invective, rather he is serious because the problem is serious.

Trump presents problems and we need to face them. Before we go further, we need to be clear because some folks are a bit sensitive when the subject of the ex-president comes up. Get over it. He works for us. We owe Trump nothing. He’s a politician. He owes us. I don’t care if he resents his unfair 2020 defeat any more than I care when a teenager whines that something is unfair. Life is unfair.

The only question that matters to us conservatives is whether we are better off with Donald Trump as a candidate or whether we are not.(snip) We need to decide whether we think the people threatening to take their ball and go home outnumber the people who might be gettable by a different Republican nominee.

I agree.