Thursday, November 10, 2022

Further Ruminations

Columnist Don Surber writes from the right, and today he writes a rueful political epitaph for Donald Trump. I won’t excerpt it at any length here, you need to go read what he wrote. Here is his conclusion.

Trump failed. He cost America the red tsunami we need to rein in Democrats. Harris Rigby at Not the Bee wrote, "A red wave turned into a purple puddle, thanks to an orange man." 

I really wanted Trump to come back but I just don't see it. He's damaged goods, done in by Barack Obama and the FBI and the Washington media.

To which I’d add two things, first to Trump, with a hat tip to Douglas Adams, so long and thanks for all the judges. Second, to Republicans, be careful what you wish for. The SCOTUS Dobbs decision was a drag on our Nov. 8 outcome.

Afterthoughts: Would Trump run as an independent merely to ensure DeSantis as the GOP nominee would lose? I worry that he might; Trump tends to take perceived rejections personally. 

What a mess if in 2024 the nominees are Biden and Trump. Neither is the actual preference of his party but both could end up getting the nod.