Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A Niche Product

A young woman the other DrC has mentored plus her mom and dad agreed to deliver a Tesla owned by their older daughter from SoCal to the sister’s new home in Texas. They had the time and thought it would be fun to do a family road trip. We just heard the story.

I won’t bother you with a tiresome list of all the frustrations they experienced, the long waits at charging stations, the stations that were broken, the nail-biting anxiety of watching the charge level needle dropping while stuck in a traffic jam in 107℉ heat wondering if the a/c would kill the battery or the heat would kill them. They finally made it to Texas, frazzled. All of them swear they will never purchase an electric car.

Absent technological leaps not currently foreseen, I believe electric cars are a niche product. Impractical for anything beyond “around town” driving. And that only for people who have a garage in which to keep a charger. 

An electric can be a good “second car” for grocery shopping and going to work, as long as you (a) own a “long distance” vehicle that runs on gas or diesel for road trips or (b) never leave town by road. If an electric is your only car and you need it in another state several hundred miles away, have it shipped, and hope it doesn't catch fire en route.