Sunday, August 6, 2023

Cities Are Obsolete and Dying

Don Feder writes opinion for the Washington Times, today about the decay and obsolescence of our large cities. Some key quotes:

Cities are drowning in a sea of lawlessness, homelessness, addiction, bloated budgets, failed schools, business flight and population decline. In response to the horror unfolding, big-city voters rush from dumb to dumber.

Woke” mayors are complemented by prosecutors supported by George Soros and police officers quitting or taking early retirement at a record rate, due to defunding and demoralization.

The crisis is exacerbated by judges who have ruled that the homeless have a right to turn the streets into their bedrooms and toilets and city officials who’ve overdosed on compassion.

Those willing to confront reality are leaving in droves. From 2020 to 2022, 2 million fled our largest cities. In the 10 biggest cities, half the offices are vacant.

Thanks to technology, cities are as obsolete as the horse and buggy was 100 years ago. Given what they’re become, their demise is inevitable.

Feder ends with a reference to the 1981 film Escape from New York, In it the city has become a super max prison into which criminals are dumped to fend for themselves or die.  In the rearview mirror of hindsight, the film is looking more prophetic than dystopian.