RealClearWorld links to a Vox article by Joshua Keating with a provocative title, The World Is Running Out of Soldiers. It looks at the negative impacts of population decline, increased obesity, and other health issues, including drug use, on the shrinking pool of young men (and perhaps women) available to recruit or, if need be, draft into military service. It is a growing problem across the developed world.
Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of military-age young men are voluntarily (albeit illegally) crossing our southern border, adding to the millions already here. If reelected, President Trump promises to deport them.
Logically, before deporting them, giving the healthy ones the alternative of volunteering for our "foreign legion" seems a wise choice. To date, no one including Joshua Keating is suggesting this, so I will.
We could end up being the only nation in the world with an effectively unlimited source of military manpower. The lure being eventual U.S. citizenship and a pension after 20 years.