Imagine a TV series set in a small Colorado mining town near a Ute reservation. All of this is near the site where an ET crashed his "flying saucer." The very non-human pilot survived and has gone to ground impersonating a local recluse physician whose cabin overlooked a lake and who he killed soon after landing.
The vibe is part Twin Peaks, part Northern Exposure, part X Files, and part Longmire, with more than a hint of Stranger Things. There are several seasons, perfect for extended binge watching.
The Sheriff is a black guy doing his best Cleavon Little imitation who asks to be addressed as "Big Black." The mayor is a wuss snowflake, there are several loose women who call each other "whore," at least one of whom was formerly a world class skier before shattering her leg and foot pretty much disastrously.
The series is called Resident Alien and it stars Alan Tudyk as the alien who takes the human form of the doctor he killed, also played in flashback by Tudyk. Tudyk played the pilot Washburne on cult favorite Firefly. He was good in that role and in this one, too.
We just started watching it on Roku and so far, 3-4 episodes in, it is both fun and a bit suspenseful.