Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The Sore Loser

As President, Joe Biden has been a mess, and the mess only got worse during the lame duck period. We are just 13 days from a new era, a new beginning. 

It feels like we need to hold our collective breath for that almost 2 more weeks, while the querulous old man lashes about trying to leave things as bad as possible for the new-guy-who-was-also-the-old-guy. That Biden is damaging a country which elected him seems not to matter to him.

Having roughly 10 weeks between the election and the inauguration is an artifact from an earlier age when people moved by train and communicated by telegraph. With today’s instantaneous communication and travel by plane, 10 weeks feels like an eternity. Couldn’t we shorten that period so a sore loser doesn’t have so much time to cause mayhem?