Saturday, January 4, 2025

Biden Awards a Would-Be Bond Villain

President Biden has awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to billionaire George Soros, about which Power Line's John Hinderaker has some quite negative opinions.

Biden’s awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros is likely to stand as his final insult to America.

Soros hates this country, and has done nothing but work to destroy it.

Soros’s influence is universal within the Democratic Party. There is not a single influential Democrat who would dissent from honoring a vicious anti-American.

Soros is famous for funding the election campaigns of 2-3 dozen very liberal DAs across the country. These were prosecutors who don't believe in locking up vicious criminals - rapists and murderers. 

Soros does this because he prefers the rapists and murderers to folks like you and me. It makes him a real Bond movie villain.