Saturday, January 11, 2025

Got Woke, Went Broke

Glenn Beaton is the sage of Aspen, and a skilled columnist. Today he does an excellent job of deconstructing "woke" and its handmaiden "DEI." 

The thread that ties it all together for him is the Dims' obsession with everything being "RACIST!" (his caps, not mine). Leading the charge are the four young non-white Congresswomen of "the Squad" and their less famous allies. 

His column is definitely worth your time. Of the damage they've done to the Dim party, he concludes thus.

It’s one thing to argue that your position is the better one on the merits. That argument allows for negotiation and compromise. It’s another thing to climb down from a moralistic perch where you shout that your opponent’s focus on merit simply proves he’s a . . .


We’ve never seen a political climate quite like the current one. The Democrats went way out on a race limb, sawed it off, and are now surprised that they and their limb – not the tree – have fallen.

If the Squad's efforts leave the Dims wandering in the wilderness for several electoral cycles, it certainly won't hurt my feelings overmuch. That is the usual price a party pays when its efforts to lead Bob and Sue Public to a more 'enlightened' understanding fail. Finance types would describe it as "getting over your skis."