Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Company He Keeps

In this article the Los Angeles Times states categorically that Iran, surely no friend of the United States, hopes Barack Obama wins the U.S. Presidency. In earlier posts we've linked to articles which say the Palestinians hope BO wins. And he started his political career in the home of a convicted terrorist. And posters of Che Guevara tend to show up in his campaign headquarters, and his pastor of 20 years is a crazy black liberationist, and Hamas seems to like him, and, and, and....

Clearly the evidence mounts that Barack Hussein Obama is very comfortable in the company of, and is congenial in the eyes of, people who do not wish the United States well. At some point the fact that Obama does not endorse these enemies of the United States, who nevertheless endorse him, becomes irrelevant. A person is often known by the company he keeps, and Barack Hussein Obama looks good to too many people who hate the United States.

It is the belief of this blogger that the United States needs a president who is feared by our enemies, not one they feel good about. In this context, let me repeat here a quote from Dean Acheson that we posted on May 21, 2008:
No people in history have ever survived, who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.