Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Optimistic Polling Data

Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports shares some optimistic polling data. In a national telephone survey, he finds that 62% of respondents would prefer fewer government services with lower taxes. Only 29% would prefer more government services with higher taxes. Interestingly, an identical 62% think American society is generally fair and decent. Only 27% think it is unfair and discriminatory. These are optimistic findings.

Less optimistically, 47% of respondents think America's best days have come and gone, while 39% think our best days lie ahead. I suspect this last is a reflection of the fact that we are an aging population and, as we age, we tend to think that our personal best days have come and gone.

Overall, these findings are conservative and that is good news for us on (as well as "in") the right.