Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rightward and Leftward Trends

Take note of this article by Paul Wells, in Macleans, Canada's news magazine. He is a leading political observer for Canada. Wells observes that polling data shows there is a conservative trend among young Canadian voters. Add that to the recent elections of conservative national leaders Sarkozy, Merkel, Berlusconi, and the new mayors of Rome and London and you have something of a movement, perhaps a trend rightward in the developed world.

I wonder if that same trend exists in the U.S.? The only polling data which reveals that trend in the U.S. is the data which shows that McCain is running even with Obama and Clinton. This in spite of the unpopularity of the President.

Meanwhile much of Latin America seems to be trending left: Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Argentina, and Paraguay are relatively recent examples. Mexico, Colombia, and Peru appear to be exceptions.