Monday, May 12, 2008

The Veep Stakes

Speculation is rife about McCain's choice for a nominee for vice president. McCain's age makes the identity of his vice president running mate more critical. James Pethokoukis, writing in U.S.News & World Report, says Mike Huckabee is at or near the top of the short list. He would be an interesting choice, so let's think about him for a bit.

On the plus side, of all the people running in both parties this year, Huckabee is probably the best natural campaigner. Put him in front of an audience and they soon will be eating out of his hand. He comes across as a nice, relaxed person, a guy you'd like to carpool with.

On the minus side, the populist stands Huckabee took as governor and while campaigning don't work very well for us economic conservatives. Add to that, his history as a Baptist minister can leave independents, and others who worry about the evangelical influence upon the Republican Party, feeling uncomfortable.

On balance, Huckabee is easier for most folks to identify with than a glossy, high-powered business executive like Mitt Romney. So, the decision looks like the following: does McCain already have sufficient appeal to independents, because of his own maverick ways? If so, go with Huckabee and nail down the social conservative part of the base. If it looks like Obama can compete effectively for the independent vote, Huckabee is a poor choice. Lieberman, anybody?