Friday, November 30, 2018

A Big Nothing

Buzzfeed News reports rumors President Trump planned to give the penthouse in a proposed Trump Tower in Moscow to President V. Putin. My reaction: Ho-effing-hum.

What do we learn? That Trump knows how to do business in a famously corrupt environment such as Moscow? How is this news?

As a developer, Trump cut his eyeteeth in the corrupt environments of New York City and Atlantic City. It’s likely he equates Putin with Cuomo and de Blasio, as merely another crooked boss.

Of course Trump knows how to do business with crooks ... you buy them off. It’s a cost of doing business, reflected in the pricing.

Only the terminally naive would be surprised that a NYC developer feels comfortable working in an ethically dubious environment, with deeply corrupt customers and collaborators. He isn’t pure as the driven snow.

We knew this of Trump and elected him anyway. Get over it.