Monday, November 5, 2018

Humor Is Dead

Here’s a great story from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which demonstrates so clearly how weird our society has become. It is, to use the word of a great American, “sad.”

Several members of a marching band for an area high school whose mascot is the Broncos pulled a prank. Using the sousaphone covers which spell out B.R.O.N.C.O.S they rearranged it to spell out “coon,” a derogatory term for black people.

The NAACP got upset, others were outraged too. Ugly racism on display, right? Except, for the following:
The students — two black, one Asian, and one Hispanic — told administrators that they thought what they did would be funny.
Segregation academies are alive and well in the South, including Texas. It’s possible few white students attend that GA public high school.

This appears to be a slightly altered version of African-Americans referring to each other using the forbidden and supposedly highly toxic N word. It happens, buy the band plain horn covers and forget it.