Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Putrid Portland

It's time for another episode in our occasional series you could label "a jaundiced view of Oregon." Writing at Spectator USA, self-described gay Vietnamese-American journalist Andy Ngo riffs on the mess that Portland, Oregon, has become. Hat tip to Power Line for the link.
With its impeccably progressive monoculture, Portland is fertile ground for leftist ideologies such as intersectionality and Marxism. Most Portlanders have little to no experience of talking to real conservatives. The ‘#Resistance’ has become a powerful rallying cry for residents who think they are in a cosmic battle. In reality, they are often just targeting their neighbors.

For the foreseeable future, Portland will continue to grapple with political violence as its taxpayers foot the bill. The city has gained a comic reputation as a bastion of wokeness due to the comedy sketch show Portlandia. That’s way off the mark. Real life Portland is much, much worse, and it’s no joke.
Analysis: true.