Friday, November 9, 2018

Travel Blogging X

At sea west of Hawaii: About a day after we left Guam we ran into rough seas and have ‘enjoyed’ same for several days. It has varied between somewhat and quite a bit of ship motion in response to the swells we’re cruising across.

When the motion is substantial a lot of people stay in their cabins. This crowd of veteran cruisers probably aren’t really seasick, just cautious. Cruisers are not young and a fall could result in breaking old, brittle bones, especially if osteoporosis lurks.

I’ve been thinking of a line from Gordon Lightfoot’s ballad about the MS Edmund Fitzgerald.  It goes something like:
Lake Superior it’s said
Never gives up her dead
When the gales of November come early.
I’ll take Gordon’s word about conditions on Lake Superior, he’s Canadian. I grew up a half hour’s drive from the Pacific Ocean. Based on familiarity, I’m thinking the “gales of November” came a little early in the middle of the planet’s biggest ocean. Unfortunately. I’m tired of them.