Sunday, November 4, 2018

Capitalism a Sin? links to a Daily Mail article in which leftist film maker Michael Moore alleges that, in an interview, Pope Francis agreed with the proposition that capitalism is a sin. Ya gotta love how old lefties like these two snuggle up with Karl Marx, and give the sign of the horns to Adam Smith.

The problem is that all redistributionist regimes or schemes are based on a misreading of human nature. Perhaps they work with honey bees or ants, I’m not enough of an entomologist to be certain.

Redistributionist schemes do not work with people in groups much larger than an extended family. Motivation drops off to dangerously low levels and the result is Venezuela-like conditions.

An old Soviet era bitter joke makes the point: “We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us.” You cannot successfully run a country that way for any protracted period.

I wish someone would tell Francis that, for the continued health of the Church, the sin upon which he needs to focus is priests misusing their spiritual guidance role to sexually abuse children and young men. Unfortunately, it appears priestly abusers are his strongest supporters within the Church of Rome clergy.