Monday, November 26, 2018

Anti-American Americans

Stephen Green, guest blogging at Instapundit, links to a Michael Ledeen essay for PJ Media on the subject of Americans who don’t like their country. Ledeen writes:
So here we are, at Thanksgiving, surrounded by a crowd of arrogant, ignorant, self-proclaimed superior people who proclaim, as was once declared about Vietnam, that the only way to save the country is to destroy it. That the European welfare state is the proper model for us, and that our electoral choices are mostly wrong. And evil. The first anti-American president put it bluntly in an interview with with one of his cronies, saying Americans are "confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."
Barack Obama has never understood Americans because, by upbringing if not by birth, he isn’t one. It’s no fun being an outsider all your life. Speaking of mommy issues, Barack‘s anthropologist mom dumped him on her parents in HI and took off.