Sunday, November 18, 2018


We saw our burned-over and smoke blackened CA property today and, as predicted, the firebreaks and its generally incombustible construction had saved the day. The house sustained exactly zero fire damage, the barn and shed ditto. The firefighters even saved our rick of firewood ... amazing work.

What burned off was the pasturage which comprised most of our nearly 12 acres, it is black and sooty. Our landscaping got some damage, we’ll know more about that in a few months. We will have to replace much of our drip irrigation system, not a big deal costwise but doing so will keep our gardener busy for a couple of winter months when there is little else to do.

The house is smoky and abating that smell could be both difficult and expensive. We may end up with 2000 sq. ft. of new flooring, if the carpet is smoky. Ditto the upholstered furniture and drapes. And we may have to have the interior painted as a cover-up.

We heard of a family who had to replace the ductwork on their HVAC system to get rid of smoky smell, when all else failed. What we can’t do at the moment is open the place up to air it out because the outside air is worse, soot and combustion byproducts are very much in evidence outdoors. This smell abatement process will take time, ask us about it in 6 months.

We thought we might have to take the RV and “get out of Dodge.” However, we found the conditions are such we shall try to spend the next month there, starting tomorrow.

Some rain is supposed to be in the offing, perhaps later in the week. That will help put our the fire and clear the air but make the evacuated and dispossessed in temporary quarters miserable. Comments about the ambivalent nature of ill winds are apropos here.