Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Relative Military Strength

Business Insider publishes a list of the 25 strongest militaries worldwide. Hat tip to RealClearDefense for the link.

The U.S. is ranked no. 1, no surprise. The top 5 also include Russia, China, India, and France, in that order.

The remainder, also in order, are the following nations: United Kingdom, South Korea, Japan, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Egypt, Iran, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Spain, Vietnam, Australia, Poland, Algeria, Taiwan, and Canada.

For each of the 25, the article lists total population, total military headcount, total aircraft, fighter aircraft, combat tanks, naval vessels, and defense budget in dollars. It makes interesting reading if defense preparedness is your thing.

I’m not surprised New Zealand didn’t make the list. When we last visited there, I was told the island nation’s navy consisted of one minor warship, perhaps a frigate. A web search suggests two frigates and 6 patrol boats. These days Enzed relies on being too distant to be in harm’s way. So far, it’s working.