Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Alpha Male Does High Beta

Conservative scholar Steven Hayward writes something good at Power Line, his normal roost online, as a rebuttal to the shade Mitt Romney threw on Trump.
I think Trump is, in Wall Street terms, a “high-beta presidency”—high risk, high reward. I wish he was more prudent and measured in the fights he picks and how he conducts himself. He remains his own worst enemy. I fear Trump’s presidency could end disastrously for conservatism. But in the meantime he has mounted the most vigorous challenge to liberalism of anyone since Reagan, under much more difficult political circumstances.
And not only that, Trump has fun doing it. In that he reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt, both happily hyperactive guys loving the stuff they do.

My opinion: Like TR, Trump should bust monopolies. In our time the malefactors are tech firms.